Tuesday/Wednesday – Day 260/261
April 23, 2013
I was still recovering at this point, and didn’t realize it yet but would be for a while. Today’s physics lecture was fascinating, explaining the mechanics of radiation and leading to discussions on the colour of the sky and water. I felt though it was difficult, I really understood it! I told the professor as such and he wasn’t particularly enthused but let me know that the next lecture was a continuation of the current.
Singing with Brian was better than last week, but my throat still wasn’t quite cutting it and things were more work than usual.
During office hours I had a nice chat with Shilpa Kannan about TAing and why computer science is awesome (definitely more ‘fun’ than finance). She wasn’t particularly enthused by all of my comments but I was glad to spend the time discussing things with her.
It was Yom Haatzmaut today and to celebrate Hillel was having a BBQ. Unfortunately for me I had missed the majority of it during my office hours, arriving just as things were finishing up.
PGC rehearsal finished early tonight and so I had a chance to get some more work done on the Networking project due Wednesday midnight.
Wednesday was mostly stressing out over the project. I skipped classes to try and pull it together but unfortunately I didn’t have much luck. Our project was hopelessly underdone. I was partially to blame for it this time, I definitely could’ve put more time in. However, the workload again wasn’t divided up evenly or even close to. Very dissatisfied as of 2AM.
Yom Kippur – Day 62
September 28, 2012
Today I woke up feeling a little worse for the wear, and made it to shul (synagogue) at roughly 10AM, well after the 8:30 start. As could be expected, the majority of the day was spent in prayer, and much to my disappointment most of the tunes were different from those that I had previously heard, forcing me to learn new ones quickly.
In the afternoon I had a brief meeting with Joel Wittwer, the USA Exchange Adviser from the University of Melbourne, who was visiting for a few hours, in order to a) plan my future studies at Penn and b) help encourage Penn students to attend the University of Melbourne on exchange. Aviva Kolosky came with me, and by the time the session finished, we were both so tired that we decided to go for a short walk before returning to mincha/neilah.
Breaking the fast after shule was so so, with the food at the Hillel for once not being so excellent. Thus, afterwards, I made a little sandwich in my room and worked for a few hours before falling exhausted to sleep again.