Shabbat/Sunday – Day 229/230

March 21, 2013

Regular late wakeup today, then a less than thrilling lunch. Guess I needed some time after such an exciting past few days to settle myself. However, the late afternoon and evening held a little more thrill in it as this evening marked our joint concert with the Harvard Glee Club! We rehearsed for a few hours, first together and then separately (meanwhile I was starving having missed my meal opportunity at Hillel) and then it was time for our gig. The crowd size wasn’t all that impressive, however given the Harvard Glee Club’s strictly classical repertoire, the appeal of the show was less broad. A highlight of  this particular performance was our rendition of Biebl’s ‘Ave Maria’, which ended in a strong and resounding major chord, that rung through the Hall of Flags, despite the less than stellar acoustics of the venue.

Tie and TailsThe Harvard Glee Club had neglected to bring less formal attire, and so we dressed up in our ties and tails to match them.

Sunday was quieter again, but a full day of work. Much fuller than I would’ve liked and as a result I needed to schedule for myself every hour. I didn’t manage to keep to the schedule entirely (the physics fell by the wayside), despite my meticulous planning. Too many CIS121 crises.


Tuesday – Day 225

March 16, 2013

Things this week just got better and better from then on. Though I was pretty tired today and the project still was not out, there was only good to come! Once I made it through Physics and too my singing lesson, I was excited by the new Jazz pieces I was working on, along with figuring out a little more of how to sing in secondo passagio (higher part of my voice). This was also the first week this semester that I self accompanied, and while it wasn’t perfect, it was a start. Misty by Errol Garner and Over the Rainbow from the Wizard of Oz. Great fun!

In the afternoon I had an interview with a certain renowned social networking firm (more on that to come results dependant) that went splendidly. I was interviewed by a really awesome engineer and tackled an interesting problem!

In the evening, I went to hear Dr. Richard Dawkins speak, and while he was interesting, he wasn’t fascinating. The usual barbs directed at theists, along with some interesting biology. Riled up a few people and that was amusing. The Q&A session was awful, mostly full of people saying “but what do you do without god?” to which his answers were both predictable, wry and somewhat amusing.

Rehearsal afterwards ran really late, but we’re singing some fantastic stuff at the moment, Beibl’s Ave Maria and more! If you’re in Pennsylvania come hear us and the Harvard Glee Club at 8:00PM this Saturday night!

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