Friday – Day 36

Posted on 28th August 2012

Today I finally saw it! The Book of Mormon!

After an early wake up at 6:30AM it was a quick breakfast followed by public transport to the Eugene O’Neil theater. By the time I got there at 9AM the standing line cue had already formed. What was lovely about the queue was that there was a real sense of community among the people standing there waiting for tickets as they were all the more dedicated people. When someone needed a bathroom or lunch break, the others would graciously hold their place in line. I chatted for a few hours with the two Canadians and one New Yorker next to me in line before heading off to the grocery store nearby to buy some sushi and the paper. The weekend edition of the New York Times was huge and left me with another few hours of reading material until the ticket lottery at 12PM.

The Ticket Lottery

Disappointingly I did not win one of the tickets available (they were front and centre) however on hour later, after a good deal more conversation, I finally reached the front of the standing room line and by 1:10PM I had a ticket and had purchased the sheet music to the book of Mormon. I then went for a quick-lunch and perused the Disney store, whiling away my final hour before the start of the show.

The Disney Store

After that it was back to the theatre where I finally got in line to see the show!!

As I walked in, the usher gave me a run down of the procedure for those with standing room tickets, advising me that I was not to disturb those in front of me with 155$ tickets. My standing slot was right at the back of the theatre about twenty rows back, however, it was dead in the centre and provided me with an excellent view of the action.

The Stage

The lights dimmed, the show started, and, I proceeded to have a most excellent two hours. The show was laugh-out-loud funny, with a smashing score and an excellent book. If you are in New York ever, I give it my full most recommendation.

I arrived home just in time for Shabbat with the family and, settled down for a quiet night in.

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