Monday – Day 224
March 14, 2013
Surprisingly today worked out pretty well. Though I only got to bed at 5AM, I was up early, 3 hours later, for physics recitation! Not fun. However, it went decently well, material was understandable. Next was a few hours of work on the project, multitasking with completing all the rest of my homework due the same day. Thankfully, due to a few last minutes saves on my behalf, I rescued the security project from utter disaster.
Just in time made it to networking (where I promptly fell asleep), and security, which was now on the science of crypto. Following that, I had a phone conversation with a company for whom I may be working with over the US summer and the hastily prepared my lab. The lab itself went fine today, nothing special though and it felt a little underwhelming. I’ll need to correct that for next time.
Rehearsal for Glee had me pretty drained, and even though I was late it seemed to run for ages. Choral society pushed me even further, and I seriously considered leaving half way. Brahm’s Requiem just barely kept me going. Trying to get the project out took me another few hours and it was 3AM by the time I got to bed.
Thursday/Friday – Day 213/214
March 6, 2013
Thursday morning was a complete and utter disaster. Yet despite this I really really enjoyed my day. I woke up on three hours of sleep to go to physics, definitely a bad idea, and from there, straight to my demo and assessment for my networking group project. Needless to say, we didn’t go too well, failing a number of the more difficult tests. I was a bit cut up.
The afternoon however was awesome. First up was a PGC gig singing to the board of trustees, as one of their number was retiring. We were hailed with large smiles and for me, a wink and a smile from Dean Keytack of Rodin. After that I gave Melody Cooke a call and headed over to the music building to find her practising her singing. After a while with the piano, I walked with her while she polished off a few errands and then presented to her the piano in Sweeten Alumni House (a beautiful Boston grand) before running out to Lover’s and Madmen for a hot chocolate and her lunch.
After a few hours of chatting it was a quick dinner and then another gig for the larger dinner for trustees and donors. Though our performance number was short (SATB version of the Red and the Blue), the mixed company of males and females (provided by the girls of Quaker Notes) was somewhat revelatory. Following that we got changed and a few of us went to a sushi bar where some of the guys did ‘sake bombs’ (don’t even ask). After that it was back to my room for one of the longest night sleeps I’ve had since leaving home. Perfect.
Friday I woke up somewhere around midday, coded a little in the afternoon, chatted to friends, prepared dinner for the evening, read a little and then went straight back to sleep. The way I needed my holiday.