Sunday/Monday – Day 129/130
December 6, 2012
Before I proceed with today’s post, I have to make a little advertisement for the campaign to save The Butterfly Club, the dearest performance venue to me in Melbourne. It’s a small cabaret outfit with retro style that supports upcoming actors and has kickstarted the careers of the likes of Sammy J and Tim Minchin. Take a look here and here to see what I’m on about, and, if you’re reading this from Melbourne, check out the place and if you like it, please help save it!
Sunday I woke up sick. No surprises there. With finals coming up though, there was no time to dawdle, it was straight to work! The majority of the day was spent split between my various subjects as they all had bits and pieces that needed doing. Probably the one I most enjoyed was starting my final project for my algorithms class.
Monday began another ramp up in load, as my various exams and homeworks drew closer. Nothing special here, just another day packed with work. However, in the evening PGC began the process for trialling directors for the upcoming spring show, with the club. Rehearsal was thus more lively than normal and we engaged in theatre sports and dance alongside our staple singing.
Following that was a usual choral society rehearsal, that ran, as usual, too late and as usual, left me a little drained. However I didn’t let it get to me as I had been graciously allotted by a Miss Stephanie Li, one half hour of her time, in which we were to play and sing through some of my sheet music. Half an hour quickly turned into an hour and a half and, were it not for work and sheer exhaustion, it likely would’ve turned into much longer.
Friday – Day 99
November 12, 2012
Friday was a large buildup to the performance and as a result I hardly payed attention in classes. Even when my singing lesson hit, I was both too exhausted and too pumped up to really focus well. Despite this, Brian noted that my singing was coming along well and I too felt I had been making good progress since coming to Penn, particularly in practicing on breathing from my diaphragm.
The evenings performance was just about sold out, with the theatre full to the brim. Our numbers were well received and I even managed to catch Shabbat dinner!
Our show opened with Footloose a combined dance number:
I’m not sure which night the video is from and this greatly affect how strong my dancing is, in addition in the videos I’ll be posting I’m rather hard to spot. However, the show still looks great, even without yours truly.
Glee’s next number was a piece I truly love by American composer Randall Thompson who has always had close ties with the Glee Club. The piece is titled: “The Last Words of David”
After the show and dinner I headed straight to sleep for a huge day of performances on the morrow.
More videos to come!
Friday – Day 77
October 15, 2012
The dreaded lurgy hath returned! I’m currently quite sick and so don’t have the same amount of energy to put into blogging that I normally do. Lest to say, Friday was tiring. Evidently having a drink or two, working for a few hours and then sleeping for two more isn’t a wise strategy for good health. I barely survived Friday’s classes and then rehearsal from four to six nearly killed me.
Following that it was a quick performance with the PGC for International Ivy League students before swallowing a quick Shabbat dinner and going to meet Jonathan who was still struggling with the project. Due to Shabbat I couldn’t really code anything and so I helped him to find bugs in our code that was due at 10PM. Needless to say it was a bit of a failure and we ended up submitting a half baked project. Fingers crosses we still do ok.
After that we and a few other students went up to my apartment to drink a little of the Australian wine I had bought for my birthday and then after a glass each, all returned to get some sleep.