Abu Dhabi?

July 18, 2012

Due to some poor planning on my part, I’ve ended up flying Etihad on the way to Geneva via Abu Dhabi.

Security on the way in was particularly tough as I was a single, young male flying alone. I received a pleasant pat down, a bag search and an ion scan (the latter of which was undertaken by a security guard, Cherelle who I chatted with about travel for a good few minutes after).

After boarding I opened a present and plane letter from a close friend. The DVD revealed was Pooh’s Grand Adventure which, according to the blurb contains “five delightful new songs that enhance the film’s charming message that even when friends are apart, they are always together in their hearts.” A message that I most surely did take to heart.  The flight itself was most pleasant with a pleasant woman (Jaina) next to me who spent the flight reading up on fertility tips.

Landing in Abu Dhabi, the fierce sun scorched 37 degrees at just 6AM! Looking out the window I couldn’t help but admire the Arabian splendor and effort that went into building an oasis in the middle of the desert, replete with resorts, arabian palaces and more. Unfortunately by this time my camera had to be switched off and so I have no photos but for one or two of the plane that I snapped while waiting for my flight to Geneva.

Abu Dhabi Airport


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