College – Tuesday – Day 40

August 31, 2012

I woke up early and packed my bags, this was the big day. College. Downstairs where a taxi was already waiting for me, I waved goodbye to the doorman and headed to Penn Station. Arriving at 7:40AM for my 8:15AM Bolt Bus to Philly. The Bolt Bus ride was uneventful (though only cost me $12) and I was soon again on solid ground in my next city.

I hailed down a taxi and caught a ride with all my bags to Rodin House, my dorm for the next few months. I checked-in and received my key and temporary building pass and took the ‘elevator’ to the ninth floor where my room was. The building was largely silent and void of other individuals, as Rodin is solely for ‘upperclassmen’ (no first years) and they were yet to move in. I unpacked my small amount of stuff, picking a desk and bed next to a window for plenty of natural light. I then raced off to the Office of International Programs to see if there was room left on the bus trip to Target and Ikea to pick up needed supplies.

When it was clear to me that I wasn’t going to be able to get on the bus and that Target and Ikea were a cab drive away I decided to go shopping on campus for the real essentials. I went to the bookshop and purchased a set of sheets and a pillow and then went to the ‘Franklin Building’ and picked up my PennCard, my UPenn ID. I then walked back to my dorm via Locust Walk, the main walkway around which the entire campus is centered.

Locust Walk

I settled back down to my room for a few more hours (watched an episode of Breaking Bad) and then headed out to meet with other exchange students for dinner. One of the UPenn students showing us round decided it might be wise to try a Philly Cheesesteak and so we caught the SEPTA (South-Eastern Philadelphia Transit Authority) subway to a well-known place. There I purchased a vegan Philly Cheesesteak and a Dr. Pepper Soda. The Cheesesteak I couldn’t bear, far too oily, however I thoroughly enjoyed my soda.

Vegan Philly Cheesesteak and Dr. Pepper Soda

After that I retired to my room to reflect on the day and prepare for an early start the next.

ISSI! – Israel – Day 8

July 29, 2012

Israel – Day 8

Today was the second day of the conference and I ditched after lunch. The sessions today were rather boring and dry. There was a symposium on the extent to which the bible and Talmud supported transcendent and immanent notions of god, along with Tony Biondi presenting an argument for the inclusion of such texts into ‘great books’ courses at US universities. The only really interesting paper was an analysis on a daf of Gemara regarding prophecy.

The second session today was a deep reading of something or other, in a traditional format that very nearly put me to sleep. Therefore, after making the most of the buffet lunch I hopped back to Nathan and Debra’s to Skype friends for a short while.

A few phone calls to Sarah and the Weizmann Institute later, I was off on my way to Rechovot, to see ISSI (the science program I did during my gap/shnat year) 2012. After missing two busses and getting stuck in traffic, I finally arrived forty-five minutes later than planned at the institute. Outside I took this photo of the building, at which point the security guard started waving at me to come over. After chastising me for photographing the institute he quizzed me for a good few minutes before letting me in to meet with the group.

On reaching the Young@Science youth village, I gave a massive hug to Nir Zohar my madrich (counsellor) from my year, still working there. After a chat, it was off to visit the Aussies! For those interested, Ezra, Paul and Shale had siblings on the year’s program, all who were very friendly to us. Eventually we were invited to go out on the town with them, as it was their second last night. As the group split up into a few smaller ones, Sarah and I headed out with my Australian friend Julian Kowal and his friends.

After a lovely dinner I trained to Tel-Aviv with Sarah, only to realize that I had purchased a return bus ticket to Jerusalem, losing myself a good 30 NIS ($7 AUD). After helped her get home I returned to Jerusalem for the final day of the conference.


Luzern – Day 3

July 22, 2012

As you can see below, the afternoon started with a visit to Sprungli Zurich to pick up a few choice items (will be posted later). After that it was time to drive for a good forty-five minutes!

Following that it was off to visit a beautiful cathedral/monastery of the reformed church, where I learnt about the reformation under the three different leaders; Calvin, Luther and Zwingli. I also drank some of the holy water and am feeling much enlightened. As we came out of the monastery, it started to rain and a couple taking their wedding photo’s was unamused (see photo).

Off we went again, driving another forty-five minutes to the beautiful city of Luzern (Lucerne) where my favorite music artist, Regina Spektor, was playing for the Blue Balls music festival. Much to my dismay, her only performance was on Friday night and thus I had to give it a miss!

A major tourist attraction of Luzern is the chapel bridge (pictured below with the flowers) and the old city walls and towers. Both of these were visited promptly, before settling for a little lunch. Of note in the city is the beautiful tolling of the bells.

Shabbat comes in really late in Switzerland, as the sky barely darkens in summer till well past 7PM. Thus with plenty of time, Eva’s parent’s took us by surprise and brought us to the bar at the top of Prime Tower Zurich, the tallest building in the city. I should mention too that in Switzerland I drank an awful lot of alcohol compared to usual, as it seemed to be drunk with every meal.

Dinner was delicious raclette, a swiss specialty of cheese melted over various vegetables at the table! Served, as per usual with a stout glass of wine. Again, I needed a relatively early night.


© 2012-2024 Shaanan Cohney