Facebook – Week 4

March 19, 2014

As I get further in to the internship, the weeks seem to go faster and faster.

Today’s rehearsal in and amongst all the coding was quite satisfying, and knowing the regulars was definitely making me feel more at home. We tried out two pieces to determine the better fit for us and eventually selected the more difficult of the two, but also the more enjoyable to sing. The crowd was also larger than we’ve had before, with around twenty people in the room!

Monday evening that I discovered the ‘mysterious source of the ticking noise’ and the constant ringing in my apartment. It was not in fact a neighbor’s phone but my cable box, attached to the tv and almost right next to my head as I sleep. Needless to say, since I discovered this it has remained unplugged. I’m not a big tv watcher and this gave me the excuse I needed to turn it off once and for all.

Tuesday’s recreation was ‘band practice’ in the evening, with a couple of the other interns. The music may not have been my first pick, but we did a decent job of it. I was on keys and backup vocals, which suited me well, especially as I didn’t really know the songs right off the bat. Also of note was the return of Pieter. It was great to have a bit of activity next to me in the corner of the room, but now I didn’t need his support quite as much as I did during the first week.

Wednesday was quite momentous for me, for reasons I’m not yet prepared to reveal, but needless to say after reading my emails in the morning there were a few tears in my eyes. More on that later.

The rest of the day was a blur. I was hardly able to focus and thankfully I had a few meetings to save me a little. This made me very determined to work harder and so I decided to stay and work up until the last shuttle. Unfortunately I wasn’t on the ball enough and ended up staying past the last shuttle. This meant a rather inconvenient trip to the CaltTrain station to wait for the next train home, before a walk back to the apartment, landing me home at 11 rather than at 9.10 as planned.

As a result, I slept in to the second shuttle on Thursday and missed gym. Not ideal but definitely needed. However by Thursday it was noticeable that my level and quality of output was improving. Compared to the first week, I had gained so many skills and a lot of knowledge. The difference between academia and engineering was larger than I thought. Thursday was also a nice day in the sun and I took some time to work outside. Our weekly meeting was cancelled so I hacked away until rehearsal time. Special about rehearsal today was that we had a ‘baritone sectional’ where I and the other baritone Brian spent a half hour with Bear focusing in on our part. We made a lot of good progress and it was also nice to have a little more focused contact with a smaller group.

Friday was the first day I really tried to make an effort to start working with other engineers. Having not worked in anything other than a small focused group, this required a bit of a shift in mentality. Rather than having my manager look at everything, it was time to really interact with the other people working on my product feature. The guy opposite me in the room, Zejia, was responsible for a lot of the current functionality changes and so I started having him review my work and talking to him about ideas. I managed to get a heap done in the earlier half of the day until lunch at which point I had a performance for the Vocal Network to get to!

Jordan, a kid with a disease, was touring Facebook as part of his wish for the ‘Make a Wish Foundation’ and it was arranged that we would surprise him with a ‘Disney flash mob’ of Facebook employees, all dressed up in costume. Additionally, the acapella group was to sing “Kiss the Girl” from the Little Mermaid. This was highly enjoyable and really made everyone’s day, along with brightening up this kid’s day.

After lunch things were not quite as excellent as I started feeling unwell. By the time Mark’s Q&A came around, I was definitely out of it and raced home as soon as I could, plonking straight into bed and falling fast asleep.

The next day was spent pretty much entirely in bed, not feeling too great, drinking lots of water and reading a book borrowed from the Facebook lending library. Luckily the weather was nice so I could open the window a little and get some fresh air and light in.

Facebook – Week 3

March 16, 2014

Monday was a public holiday to celebrate Mr Luther King Jr and the civil rights movement, however today I would still be going in to work. Facebook was off for the day, but I had arranged to spend the day hacking away at my project in order to facilitate taking a Friday off to get to UPenn to see friends, the Glee Club Spring Show and to check out the PennApps hackathon. I did however treat myself to a ‘sleep in’ waking up at 8AM before my usual gym routine. I worked pretty hard in return for my sleep and ended up tiring myself out substantially, forgetting that I had arranged with Sandy (another intern) to cycle to work at 11AM.

Sandy and I were to meet approximately forty minutes by bike from me in Mountain View and ten minutes from him in Menlo Park and together to ride the remaining twenty mintues to Facebook campus. I grabbed my gear and bike, turned on the turn-by-turn navigation on my phone and set out to take the longer bike trail to our meeting point. Having not cycled in a number of years, and already exhausted my pool of energy this turned out to be highly ill advised. A short way into the trip I was ready to keel over and searched madly for a drinking fountain in the vicinity of my route. After around forty minutes I came across one, dismounted and checked the GPS to see how close I was. It was then I realized that I was only half way there. I let Sandy know that I might not make it to the meeting point on time and cycled onwards.

The path itself was quite easy going and full of sights to see. It wound around the bay before eventually crossing the highway on a pedestrian overpass. At around the one hour mark the path ended and I had to cycle on the main road, soon encountering Highway 101. This was terrifying as there were multiple entryways and exits from the highway with cars coming on and off at full speed. Thankfully I made it through despite a few errors on my part that were highly ill-advised.

I arrived at Facebook a good hour and a half after setting out, and when I got off my bike every muscle was burning.  I felt I would fall apart. I collapsed onto a couch with Sandy, who had gone ahead to meet me there, grabbed a few snacks from a microkitchen and sat down to work for a few hours.

My lunch break today consisted of a bowl of cereal consumed while giving a brief speech over skype as to why I was the ideal candidate for Director of Education for my volunteer work with Hineni Youth and Welfare back home. After a vote on that left my candidacy behind, I then worked till around six pm when I was to cycle to the CalTrain. However just as I was about to leave, I was called by Hineni to let me know it was time to speak as a candidate for a general board position and so I delayed my departure. After the fastest speech I’ve probably ever given I rushed off into the dark streets. This was my first time ever riding at night, and as the monster of the highway approached I trembled a little. Eventually I ended up dismounting and walking over the crossings with as many lights on as I could muster, praying I’d make it over.

This delayed me a little, and getting lost moreso, and thus I reached the CalTrain just as it pulled into the station. I awkwardly hopped on with my bike, into a carriage with no room, so figuring that I was only a ten minute ride away, I stood with my bike in the entryway. As my luck would have it, the rails on this particular route had failed just as our train was due to reach my station and so we pulled up short and waited. And waited, and waited. About thirty minutes later the driver announced that we would in fact be skipping my station and pulling up to the next one, a good thirty minute bike ride away. By the time we arrived I had ‘had it’ and found a cab driver who would take both me and my bike to where I was meant to be meeting Linda, one of the other Facebook interns, for dinner.

I met Linda about forty minutes after we had arranged, with a dead phone, my whole bike and a very very tired me. Thankfully, though she’d wanted to just quickly grab something, she took the time to sit with me as I recovered.  It ended up being quite a pleasant evening once I had made it home but I was most glad when I was able to lie down and sleep.

The rest of the week passed in something of a blur.  Tuesday was a straight day of my normal routine but thanks to the previous day I was already a little tired. However things seemed to be moving well with my project and this was a great feeling. The internal tools were becoming more familiar and I need to ask for help a little less frequently.

Wednesday we called an extra rehearsal for acapella to make up for the lost Monday but fewer people showed up, and there were more new people than old, so we decided to try a new piece and see how we liked it. Though the music was not my usual style, I was really enjoying seeing a few faces outside of those of my team (not that they aren’t fantastic, just good to have some variety). I was learning a few more names and hearing a few more different stories. Though he wasn’t there that day, the other baritone, Brian, a visiting professor, was particularly friendly and also seemed to have a good number of years of musical experience under his belt. This ensured that learning our part was always little easier.

I always felt a little guilty taking an extended break with acapella and lunch together eating up an hour and a half, but I found that I was able to work a little later without mentally exhausting myself if I had a bit of variety in the day. This was particularly true for Thursday.

Thursday I broke up my usual routine and went to gym a little later, catching the second shuttle of the morning. It was also the first day that most of my team had made it in before me! I was intent on putting in some good work to make up for the later start, and though I did many things, they weren’t as impactful as I would’ve liked, due to having to go over and fix a number of things I had done that were less than optimal previously, rather than breaking new ground.

Overall my productivity seemed to go in waves. Though I was always working, some days it just seemed that I did a great job of it and others I would sink into a bit of a quagmire. The bad days weren’t fantastic but I was left with a really good feeling after the productive ones.

Lunch on Thursdays was always another acapella rehearsal, and potentially due to some internal advertising, our numbers were much bigger than they had been previously. More old faces and more new faces. Both good things.

In the afternoon Brian Jew, one of the members posted on the groups Facebook page that there was an intro to improv class in the evening (for a series that would cost a bit over a hundred dollars) and that we were welcome to join. I was hesitant at first, due to already having taken a longer lunch and having arrived later, but I resolved to stay in the office till the last shuttle to make up for it.

The class was quite a lot of fun, nothing in terms of theatre that I hadn’t done before, but it was a good chance to relax a little, improve my skills and again, meet more people.

A recurring theme in my life has been constant movement. Between schools, universities and even countries. One thing I’ve found repeatedly to be of value is finding low friction environments in which to meet people, otherwise the travel can get lonely very quickly. At Penn this had been the OCP and Glee Club, in NYC Marie’s took the part, however only now was I discovering where at Facebook these environments existed.

After some umming and ahhing, I decided to sign up for the series, figuring that if I didn’t spend my salary on things that would make me happy and that I’d enjoy, there wasn’t much point in earning it in the first place. I tried, unsuccessfully, to convince Bear, one of the more talented (and very friendly) members of the acapella group to sign up too, but other commitments made it an unsuitable option for her. Thus, it was another chance to start afresh with all new people!

Friday I worked really hard and slowly edged my way to progress, though my project was getting a little behind due to focus on a number of side tasks, but I endeavored to finish all the things I had started. The late afternoon was a little crazy with company happy hour being celebrated in ‘style’ by the interns, but it brought a welcome close to the week.

Saturday was quite a lot of fun this week as I decided to walk until I dropped. This allowed me to make it all the way to Stanford University on foot (about two hours away) and check out the grounds, meet a few students and enjoy the atmosphere. I even walked by 267 College Avenue, my home from when I lived in Palo Alto as a child. I still had a few memories of that time, though to my six year old self, everything seemed a lot bigger.

Sunday I made a trip out to the Stanford mall. a medium sized shopping center, and requisitioned for myself a new pair of runners and shorts for use at the gym, two new t-shirts and assorted undies and socks. This was also much needed as on Friday I had accidentally left my washing at work (yup, we get laundry service!). Arriving home I worked for a while and prepared some course materials for a subject I would hopefully be tutoring back in Australia. At around five PM I called a friend at home (with a cheap calling card) and ended up speaking for about three hours (no longer so cheap) before Linda asked for an escort to the nearest ATM for her bank, located a mile away.

After returning I was done so I turned in for the night, and before I knew it, it was back to work for another week.

Facebook – Week 2

March 9, 2014

Another early start, back at the gym. Today I tried out a smattering of different weight machines, unsure which I should be trying. The treadmill again proved an easy way out so I limited my time on it and tried a few new things that left me almost dazed. My friend Roman had given some healthy encouragement and a few tips the night before but importantly, now that someone else knew about the plan, I felt obliged to stick to it.

Before I knew it I was back at my desk, earlier than any other day prior.  However today there was a brand new MacBook Pro sitting there with me. This was pretty exciting as I hadn’t been a Macintosh user since the mid 1990s. After an hour of setup, I checked out my schedule. I had what I thought were a few simple things to clear up before getting started on my ‘intern project’ but the things weren’t as simple as they had seemed. I spent hours fixing up code from the previous day as per my mentors comments but still felt I wasn’t getting anywhere fast. Over lunch I managed to eat something quickly, leaving time to visit the bank on campus to open an account with a bank more appropriate to my current needs.

More code… more frustrations. But I did manage to submit another ‘diff’ (code submission) with some of the day’s work and, finally was able to start on a new task.

A surprise event that afternoon was a visit by Zac Efron of High School Musical fame. It was a good way to unwind from what had been a frustrating day. There was a thirty-minute Q&A with him and the cast of his new movie and it was thoroughly entertaining, if not intellectually stimulating.

After yet more code and dinner, I caught up with a few other interns for DDR (an arcade game) and a run of Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano.

With something of a routine set, my early morning wake ups are now a little more tolerable and less unexpected. One curious thing however is what seemed to be a phone ringing nearby at all hours. Thankfully as I wasn’t in the apartment much it isn’t yet bothering me so much.

Work was mostly the same as always, though I’m definitely getting a little better at things. However, there seems to be something particularly enjoyable extra most days that I can occupy myself with during lunch. The next afternoon it was a series of three speakers, briefly talking on security related issues. One of them was a little like a detective story, and the audience (and I) responded enthusiastically to it.  I’m enjoying getting to meet all the engineers, but the security types particularly stand out. My only disappointment is that while Pieter is still off enjoying his wedding and honeymoon, my row of desks stands but with one occupant.

Thursday was Tu B’shvat, the Jewish New Year for the trees, and as much as it isn’t a particularly widely celebrated festival, I thought it fitting to go for a run around a nearby park in the morning before continuing on with some weights.

The whole Facebook experience has been a really good opportunity for me to refocus on a number of things that would likely be left behind were I at home. Eating healthily, sleeping enough and exercising are all too easy for me to neglect normally and particularly after recent health issues in my life, it’s fantastic to take some time to try and get back to a good regimen.

After breakfast on campus, I noted something a little worrying however that seemed to defeat my best efforts to stay well for the entire time. The left corner of my mouth felt a little sore and when I examined it a little further, I felt an extra tooth poking out. Disaster! This would be a terrible time to need my wisdoms out!

The USA does a number of things better than Australia, however health care is not one of them. I asked around on how I’d find a dentist with whom I would be covered but didn’t manage to find an answer. I’m in the position that I can afford to pay for a dentist without insurance if it came to that, however finding out how much things cost in the US was a shock, and my heart really went out to all those who weren’t in my fortunate position.

Lunch on Thursday was again a highlight due to the acapella @facebook rehearsal again. It’s so much easier to make friends when you share something significant in common, and I was slowly getting to know the group a little better. Laolee, the founder of the group and I had lunch afterwards and I was so happy to get a chance to talk to someone a little different, as the vast majority of my conversations over the past few weeks had been with engineers.

Today I decided to catch the early shuttle, having eaten a quick dinner and arrived home to speak to the family in Australia for a little while. Also managed to speak to a few other friends and as a result I went to sleep pretty well contented.

One more day until the ‘long’ weekend. When I arrived in after the usual routine, I had a chat with my manager and arranged to ride to work on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and trade in the holiday for a Friday off in February. The plan was to catch a flight early that morning and arrive at Penn in for the Penn Glee Club spring show, PennApps, and some time to see my friends from the community there. However, I failed to book my flights early and this ended up costing me a good chunk later.

The rest of the day I worked really hard, trying to get a good foot forward on my intern project. Given the short duration of my stay, I had to make every day really count if I was going to make a real impact. At around 3PM things suddenly started to go awry. Some of my files wouldn’t load up. I thought to ignore it for a while and see if the tech team would get around to dealing with it, worked on some other stuff and then called it a day.

Sunday I was up and started coding a little, before realizing that as I wasn’t taking the holiday the next day I should be strict with myself and not spend yet another day working. To that measure I arranged to meet with Varun and take the CalTrain into San Fransisco. $14 and an hour and a half later, we were on the Embarcadero, taking a leisurely stroll and looking out along the bay.  We both decided ice-cream was appropriate and so walked along the piers till about an hour later we came across an good location to stop and chill. Ice-cream on one side, loud and smelly seals on the other. K-dock at pier 39. One other location of note along our walk was “Wharton West” – the University of Pennsylvania MBA campus in SF where I had performed with the Glee Club. I was reminiscent passing it and would’ve walked in had I not been with Varun.

Getting back in the evening was a little rushed as we tried to navigate the public transit system to arrive back at the CalTrain station however, we made it just in time!

That evening I decided I needed to keep up the routine and went to gym before bed, finally noticing some real improvement. This was a much-needed motivational boost and steeled my resolve to keep it up.

© 2012-2025 Shaanan Cohney