Shabbat/Sunday – Day 285/286

Posted on 17th May 2013

Today I had the pleasure of a late wakeup, followed by a lovely lunch with much of the same crowd as before, plus Alyse. To my delight, Alyse had prepared her sesame noodles, of which I was most fond of, and that helped make my lunch experience a most delicious one.

Following the lovely, long lunch, I walked down to college green, where the Penn Glee Club was performing for all the alumni. Aside from our main performance of the PGC Marching Song, I engaged in a few performances with a smaller group of guys, running through some of our barbershop repetoire.The PGC Alumni Reception was in the afternoon and my service to the club was recognized along with the graduating seniors. Caused a little heartache as our director said a few words about my past year.

After the reception I went back to my room for the usual nap, waking up decently late before spending more time packing up my stuff.

Sunday was a good deal more packed than I was expecting. I woke up earlier than I had most days at Penn, seven AM, and quickly changed into my Khaki Blazer PGC uniform and raced off to ‘The Compass’ to sing at a memorial service for Penn alums. At the end of that gig and with no time to spare, we raced off to sing at a brunch for alumni. After two more rounds of our Penn songs, they were starting to get a little old. A quick lunch break later, we were again at another gig, the traditional and somewhat religious Baccalaureate ceremony. This was one of the less fun gigs of the entire semester. The ceremony was repeated in exactitude twice. Once for each half of the graduating class. We sat through the hour and a half ceremony two times for a sum total for fifteen minutes of singing between them. Thoroughly exhausted by all of this, when I got back to my room I had barely the energy to make my self dinner, let alone finish off more of my packing.

My room was now starting to look a little bare, but onward I ploughed through my belongings, sorting those I could keep from those that would be left behind. Finally, at around one AM I made it to sleep, surrounded by piles of items pulled from my drawers.

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