Monday – Day 224
Posted on 14th March 2013
Surprisingly today worked out pretty well. Though I only got to bed at 5AM, I was up early, 3 hours later, for physics recitation! Not fun. However, it went decently well, material was understandable. Next was a few hours of work on the project, multitasking with completing all the rest of my homework due the same day. Thankfully, due to a few last minutes saves on my behalf, I rescued the security project from utter disaster.
Just in time made it to networking (where I promptly fell asleep), and security, which was now on the science of crypto. Following that, I had a phone conversation with a company for whom I may be working with over the US summer and the hastily prepared my lab. The lab itself went fine today, nothing special though and it felt a little underwhelming. I’ll need to correct that for next time.
Rehearsal for Glee had me pretty drained, and even though I was late it seemed to run for ages. Choral society pushed me even further, and I seriously considered leaving half way. Brahm’s Requiem just barely kept me going. Trying to get the project out took me another few hours and it was 3AM by the time I got to bed.